I am a big fan of local economies and the communities they sustain. You may choose to purchase these at your local book seller or find them in your library.
Shambhala International, a meditation community with centers throughout North America and the world. Students practice a shamatha/vispasanna (mindfulness/awareness) style of meditation from which one develops a strong, stable, and clear mind. The Shambhala teachings, rooted in the profound Tibetan Buddhist meditation tradition, explore the means by which we genuinely manifest non-aggression and engaged compassion. Shambhala presents the teachings of the Venerable Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.
Turning the Mind into an Ally, Sakyong Mipham
The best intro to meditation, why do it, and how to do it.
Mindfulness in Action, Chogyam Trungpa
Superb commentary on meditation for the slightly more experienced meditator.
Running with the Mind of Meditation, Sakyong Mipham
A great book for incorporating meditation into long distance running.
And for those who approach meditation more readily off the cushion than on.
Shambhala: the Sacred Path of the Warrior, Chogyam Trungpa
A great introduction to the vision of enlightened society.
Start Where You Are, Pema Chodren
Pema discusses the humble process of beginning to meditate with tremendous warmth and wisdom.
Full Catastrophe Living, Jon Kabat-Zinn
An inspired introduction to mindfulness practice.
Touching Enlightenment, Reggie Ray
A good introduction to embodied meditation practice and the significance of somatic experience.
The Posture of Meditation, Will Johnson
A good short book on the sitting posture of meditation.
Meditation books and cushions:
Five Element Acupuncture
Nourishing Destiny, Lonny Jarrett
A technical but thorough look at Five Element acupuncture.
Plant Spirit Medicine, Eliot Cowan
An overview of working with plant spirit energy.
The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Third Edition, Michael Murray and Joseph Pizzorno
A naturopathic, research-based resource book describing our most common health concerns and how to diagnose and treat them at home.
Grief and Beauty: the Smell of Rain on Dust, Martin Prechtel
A superb introduction to the experience of grief.
A thorough look at the experience of shame.